Friday, August 24, 2012

Rivendell - Home of the Elves

 This is... beautiful. This masterpiece is the result of a collaboration by Blake Baer (Blake's Baericks) and Jake Bittner (Bitts and Pieces), which was shown at BrickFair this month.
 Here's a video of set with all its details on display.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Faerie Forest

 The "Faerie Forest," made by Sean and Steph Mayo (Siercon and Coral). I love this because of how intricate it is. It's just so detailed and, in some parts, beautiful.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Super Awesome Batman/Joker Mosiac

 You may know Arthur Gugick (torgugick) from his Anakin/Darth Vader lenticular mosiac. Well, he's back with this amazing Batman/Joker lenticular mosiac. This is just a quick post so no embedded video. You'll have to go look yourself.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Happy Birthday LEGO!

 80 years ago, in 1932, Ole Kirk Christiansen started making wooden toy in his workshop. In 1934, he named his company "Lego," from the Danish phrase leg godt, meaning "play well." In '47 they began producing plastic toys, and then in the year 1949, the "Automatic Binding Brick" was introduced. And the world was then a better place.