Saturday, March 31, 2012

My Trip to NYC

 Well, I took a trip to New York City over the weekend, and I saw a lot of cool Lego creations while I was there.

 This and a couple following were in the LEGO section of the Times Square Toys 'R' Us. This one is the Woolworth Building, one of the oldest skyscrapers in New York. You can't really read the plate, but it says the model took over 784 hours and 188,160 bricks to build.
 If you look in the bottom-right hand corner you'll see Master Chief. This, while cool, was made from Mega Blocks, and a blasphemy. I therefore didn't take a picture of it.

 And, in order, we have the Empire State Building, with King Kong on the top, the Hearst Building, and the Statue of Liberty.

 And this is an almost life-sized Captain Jack Sparrow. Oh, look! There's the sacrilegious Master Chief!

 Last one. This was in the LEGO Store in Rockefeller Plaza, actually right to the right of the ice skating rink if you're facing the building. This LEGO sign is made of a whole bunch of solid-colored minifigures.

 And that is my trip to NYC, as told by me through Legos. OK, this doesn't sum it up at all, but still. Shiny Legos!

LEGO Batman 2 Box Art

 Looks like the box art for the new LEGO Batman game has been finalized. And an exclusive Lex Luthor figure is available when you pre-order the game at GameStop or EB Games.

Friday, March 30, 2012

This Battlestar Valkyrie Is 10 ft Long

 Gary King, who has built several other Battlestars and Battlestar-related creations, constructed this replica of Bill Adama's command before taking control of the Galactica.
 This ship uses 42,341 pieces, weighs 111 lbs., and is about 10 ft long. Unfortunately, the model broke whilst he was taking photographs of the underside.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Most Useless Machine Ever, Made From Legos

 This MUME (Most Useless Machine Ever) was built by Robert Ferguson over at GeekDad as a demonstration of LEGO's WeDo Robotics Construction Set for kids. They're kind of like Mindstorms, but for kids.
 Original post

 P.S. There will be no Steampunk Sunday this week, as I'll be in NYC tomorrow without access to a computer.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

"Hey, mister! You forgot your... What the heck is this thing?"

 The Motorola DynaTAC 8000X, originally released in the US in 1983. But this version was constructed by Bruce Lowell (bruceywan) in 2012 for the Iron Builder Flickr contest.
 This retro, and I mean retro, phone is incredibly cool. But I don't believe an 8000XL model was ever released. Just 8000X. But still, this is a really cool model. And significantly cheaper than the original $4000 version.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

This Probably Can't Reach 88 MPH.

 This replica of Doc Brown's DeLorean from Back to the Future was built by Alex Jones ("Orion Pax"). The car, 1:15 scale, is spraypainted silver, has doors the open up, and the wheels flip for the flying version.
 It's just a beautiful piece of work.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Steampunk Sunday

 It's that time of week again, the time when we all gather around and marvel at times past. This week's entry comes from Salsariss. After seeing a similar orrery done by V&A Steamworks, Salsariss was inspired to build this one. The planets revolve around the star, with the outer planets revolving slower than the inner ones. And the star revolves as well. Apparently, it's not yet finished, but it certainly is well under way.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Lego R2-D2

 Most everyone has probably already seen this, and I was going to post it yesterday, but I had things to do. But I'm putting it up anyway. This new R2-D2 is from the Ultimate Collector Series, 10225 R2-D2, ages... 16+. Wow.  I actually had something like this a few years ago, but it was a Technic R2 and actually was missing pieces, so I couldn't ever build it. But this R2 is infinitely cooler that one. This $180 set of 2,127 pieces features a retractable third leg and front panels that open to reveal the inner things. Ya know, computers, and that arm of his. And the head rotates! This Flickr set showcases various poses and the full functionality of the model.
 R2 goes on sale May.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy Pi Day! (And Einstein's 133rd Birthday)

 Happy Pi Day, Everyone!
 I looked and looked, but I couldn't find anything pertaining to the actual number pi. So instead, here are some case concepts for the new Raspberry Pi computer, from Miriam E. Lewis' Art blog. Most of the designs center around the Raspberry Pi logo, but a couple are really cool. One's an Egyptian temple, and the other the TARDIS, as seen above. So the case I would have.
 And, as it is also the great Albert Einstein's birthday, here is a wonderful Lego bust of his head, located in Florida's LEGOland. It took 4 months and 50 million bricks to build, and is 20' tall and 10' wide.

 Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to the party. Woohoo! Pi pie!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Transformers! Legos in disguise!

 Yet another creation from Baron von Brunk, this Lego Nintendo Transformer is incredible! Robots, made of Legos, that turn into retro portable gaming systems. Domaster and Tetrawing serve as the sequel to his previous Nintendo/Transformer project, "Plasmashock the NES Zapper"
 More photos of this amazing robot and his mechanical bird friend can be seen here. I love all the stickers and the way the two 'AA' batteries become his blaster/sword. And there's a description of the model and the way in which it transforms.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Steampunk Sunday

 I found this on BrickBounty, where it had been reposted from an old FBTB forum. The above Naboo fighter and the four other MOCs posted were the winners of a contest held on the forum. The above picture is my favorite, but the other ones featured are awesome too. Except for "General Greeves' Amazing Wheel Bike." That one just didn't really impress me.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

"Tower, This Delta 1. Requesting Permission To Dock."

 Tim Goddard (Rogue Bantha) built this docking tower, the Triport Spire. This tower is really incredibly detailed, with lights and a working elevator. And lots of other little things that look like they serve a purpose but don't.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

MindStorms Printer

 This printer was built by Leon Overweel over at World of MindStorms; same guy who built the Skype-controlled NXT car that we've previously featured.
 This NXT-controlled printer, dubbed the PriNXT, is controlled by 3 motors - ya know, X-, Y-, and Z-axis. Leon included a whole technical rundown and a link to the source code on his site, but basically he exports a black-and-white picture as a binary file to feed into his pre-made array in RobotC.
 Anyway, I just thought this was neat and I'd try to replicate it if I could, but I don't have any MindStorms. Because they're expensive. And I am a poor man. In a basement. With a dog.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Steampunk Sunday

 This thing is beast! Flickr user Matthew Maulfair built this really awesome re-imagining of a stream-driven Tie Fighter. Somehow, though, I don't think it's spaceworthy.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Gyarados, I Choose You!

 This incredibly awesome Gyarados is from Mike Nieves (retinence). He submitted as a CUUSOO idea. I would encourage you all to support the project, because this would make one really cool set. In fact, I think an entire Pokemon line would be awesome.